Accessibility in Social Media: A Guide for Marketers and Users

Social media Accessibility

Social media is crucial in modern society, connecting people, providing information, and providing entertainment, but there is a disparity in access to platforms and content. Individuals with impairments or distinct requirements encounter several barriers while attempting to participate and engage on social media platforms actively.

This article explores the basic concepts of social media accessibility, its significance, and strategies for enhancing inclusivity and user-friendliness across various social media platforms. This study will also examine the initiatives and resources devised by social media platforms and marketers to enhance accessibility, along with the obstacles and forthcoming developments in this domain.

Defining Social Media Accessibility 

Social media accessibility is the design of platforms and content to ensure equal access for individuals with disabilities. It is a subset of inclusive design, considering diverse user needs. At least one billion people experience some form of disability. Common accessibility issues on websites include:

  • Images without alternative text (alt text) or captions that describe their content
  • Videos without captions or transcripts that convey their audio
  • Text that is too small, unclear, or has low contrast with the background
  • Colors that are not distinguishable for people with color blindness
  • Links that are not descriptive or identifiable
  • Layouts that are not compatible with screen readers or keyboard navigation
  • Features that rely on gestures, voice commands, or facial recognition
  • Content that uses jargon, slang, or abbreviations that are not explained

These issues can make social media content inaccessible, incomprehensible, or frustrating for users with disabilities. They can also limit their ability to communicate, share, or learn from others on social media.

Key Elements of Social Media Accessibility

To make social media accessible, several elements need to be considered. These elements include content, functionality, interaction, and technology. 

  • Content is the information or message that is conveyed through various modes, such as images, audio, etc.
  • Design is the part of the website that deals with the visual appearance and layout of content.
  • Functionality is the combination of features and interactions such as buttons, links, etc. that help users navigate or interact with the content.
  • Technology refers to the tools and devices used to access the platform.

The User Experience in Accessible Social Media

Accessible social media can benefit users in many ways, such as: 

  • Enhancing comprehension and retention of information by providing multiple modes of presentation and reinforcement.
  • Increasing convenience and flexibility by allowing users to access content in different situations and environments, such as low-light settings, noisy surroundings, or limited bandwidth.
  • Reducing cognitive load and fatigue by simplifying content and design and minimizing distractions and clutter.
  • Boosting engagement and satisfaction by creating a more inclusive and welcoming community that values diversity and respects individual needs and preferences.

Social Media Platforms and Their Accessibility Efforts

Here are some of the platforms and their features:


Facebook has accessibility features such as:

  • Automatic Alt Text and Captions: Features AI to generate alt text and captions for images and videos. Furthermore, you can also edit or add alt text to your preference.
  • Accessibility Settings: A customizable accessibility menu for users with features like increasing text size, turning on high contrast mode, etc.


Twitter has also been making strides in social media accessibility, creating its Accessibility Team in 2016. Some of the features or tools that Twitter has developed to enhance accessibility include:

  • Alt Text: Add alt text to their images or use Twitter’s automatic alt text tool.
  • Voice Tweets and DMs: Allows users to record and share audio messages or tweets for up to 140 seconds.

Measuring and Monitoring Social Media Accessibility

It is the process of evaluating how well social media platforms, applications, and content meet the needs and preferences of users with disabilities or in different situations and environments. Measuring and monitoring social media accessibility can help social media platforms and marketers to:

  • Comply with legal and ethical standards for web accessibility.
  • Reach a wider and more diverse audience.
  • Enhance the user experience and satisfaction.
  • Demonstrate social responsibility and a commitment to inclusion.
  • Identify areas for improvement and opportunities for innovation.

Some of the common tools and methods include:

Social media analytics:

Social media analytics can provide a means to assess the efficacy and efficiency of social media material in terms of its reach and engagement with those who possess impairments or distinct requirements.

For example, Facebook Insights, Twitter Analytics, etc.

Accessibility testing:

Accessibility testing helps you identify and remediate barriers faced by users with disabilities. For example, the WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool, etc.

User testing and feedback:

Feedback involves gathering opinions, preferences, and experiences through surveys, interviews, focus groups, or online reviews. Testing involves observing and measuring how users interact with or use social media content. It evaluates the usability and functionality of content for these users, as well as their behavior and outcomes. Tools like eye tracking, mouse tracking, heat maps, click maps, and A/B testing can be used to conduct user testing on social media accessibility.

Challenges and Future Trends


Emphasizes the importance of adapting to social media trends and algorithms to ensure accessible content is visible and reachable. It also emphasizes the need to create engaging content that caters to diverse user needs and preferences, develop effective strategies for measuring accessibility, balance the trade-offs between accessibility, aesthetics, and functionality, and raise awareness about social media accessibility among platforms, marketers, and users.

Future Trends

Future trends in social media accessibility include emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and blockchain, which can enhance user experiences and participation for disabled users while also creating new privacy, security, and autonomy risks.

User needs and expectations are evolving, demanding personalized, engaging, and diverse experiences. Social and environmental factors, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, and social movements, can also impact accessibility, creating new challenges and opportunities for communication, information, and education on social media platforms and content.


Social media accessibility is the process of making social media platforms, applications, and content accessible and inclusive for users with disabilities or different needs. It is crucial for legal, ethical, and practical reasons, as it helps platforms comply with web accessibility standards, demonstrate diversity and inclusion commitment, and reach a wider audience.

Common accessibility features include alt text, captions, transcription, voice tweets, voice DMs, and accessibility settings. Measuring and monitoring social media accessibility involves evaluating how well platforms meet the needs and preferences of users with disabilities or in different situations and environments. Tools like social media analytics, accessibility testing, user feedback, and user testing can be used to measure and monitor accessibility. Social media accessibility is an ongoing, iterative process that requires planning, implementation, analysis, and reporting, involving social media platforms, marketers, users, and advocates.

Picture of Aditya Bikkani

Aditya Bikkani

Aditya is the COO of AELData, a growing technology company in the Digital Publishing and Education sectors. He is also an entrepreneur and founder of an accessibility tool called LERA. A W3C COGA (Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility) Community Member Aditya contributes to researching methodologies to improve web accessibility and usability for people with cognitive and learning disabilities.

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